Alexandria Smiles

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Hooray! It's National Brush Day!

What you need to know about brushes, bristles, bacteria…

…and the importance of changing your toothbrush! 

When was the last time you changed your toothbrush? Good dental health is about a lot more than scheduling regular appointments and replacing your brush after each visit. Making sure to use new toothbrushes/heads is a vital part of caring for your teeth.  

As November 1st is ‘National Brush Day,’ we wanted to talk about changing your toothbrush and the reasons why replacing them is crucial to a good dental hygiene regimen. 

When It’s Time to Change Your Brush

If you are following the guidelines of good brushing we outlined on ‘Wrong Way Day’, then your toothbrush should be used twice daily for roughly 2 minutes each time. While it is important to brush often, doing so makes bristles become worn down. Continuing to use these worn out brushes is abrasive on your gums which leads to premature gum recession and inflammation.

Changing your brush or brush head every three to four months gives your teeth fresh bristles that remove plaque and bacteria more efficiently.

Don’t Get Sick of Good Habits!

With flu season around the corner and the recent pandemic afoot, changing one’s toothbrush every few months may not be enough. In fact, viral and bacterial infections such as strep throat are a concern even after you have recovered!

Bacteria can linger on a toothbrush and contaminate other brushes within close proximity. This means that while there is a chance you can re-infect yourself from a sickness, you can also pass it on to others. For this reason, you should change your toothbrush after sickness as well as avoid storing multiple brushes in the same holder together.

You don’t have to use a special container for your brush head, though. In fact, using one can actually encourage the growth of mold or other harmful bacteria.

After sickness, it is a good habit to replace your brush rather than ‘clean it.’ Always remember that you should not sanitize your toothbrush. Some sources may encourage you to use disinfectants, mouthwash, or other means of sanitizing, but doing this can damage the bristles on your brush. Rather than trying these methods, buy a new brush as it is the safest and most proven way to get rid of lingering bacteria!

The Right Toothbrush for You

When shopping for a new toothbrush, it’s helpful to know your options. In recent years, studies have shown that electric toothbrushes are more favorable than manual brushes. According to an 11-year study performed in Germany and published in 2019, scientists found that those who use electric toothbrushes have healthier gums and less tooth decay compared to those who use a manual one.

Electric toothbrushes, particularly those with oscillating heads, are incredibly effective at removing plaque, stimulating, and improving gum health as well as whitening teeth. Vibrations from electric brushes allow for more micro-movements which better clean teeth and the spaces in-between. While there are many benefits to using an electric brush over a manual one, any toothbrush is better than none. Maintaining good oral hygiene habits, you can avoid additional procedures.

Easy Steps to Proper Dental Health

When all is said and done, the old adage ‘when in doubt, throw it out’ applies to more than leftover food — it’s for your toothbrush too! If the bristles on your brush are starting to look worn, your best bet is to replace it. Using new brushes often will promote good dental health and a brighter smile!

As always, our team at Alexandria Smiles is here for you should you need to contact us with any questions you may have. Our primary goal is to help you continue smiling with teeth that you can be proud of.

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