Alexandria Smiles

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How Smiling Can Affect Your Health

The Positive Benefits a Smile Can Have on Your Body

Smiling changes your whole face, and lots of other things!


We’ve all heard the old adage that smiling is contagious, but did you know that its benefits spread throughout your body? In fact, scientists, psychologists, medical doctors, and other professionals will all agree that a simple smile can have huge impacts on your overall health.

In honor of Dental Smiles Month this June, join us in the conscious decision to show off your pearly whites as much as possible and reap the benefits!

Why Smiling is Important

Smiling is great for taking a picture or two, but it’s worth more than face value alone! Here’s a few significant reasons you might want to up your daily smile quota:

10 Reasons to Smile More

Generations connect with a smile.

  1. Increases Lifespan
    Research suggests that grinning throughout the day can increase your lifespan by years.

  2. Decreases Symptoms of Depression
    By physically smiling, pathways in your brain are activated which releases neuropeptides that improve overall neural communication. Plus, when neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin are released, your mood improves making your smile a natural antidepressant!

  3. Improves Immune System
    Thanks to the release of these neurotransmitters, your body is more likely to be relaxed. In fact, laughter, and positive thinking along with your smile makes you less prone to diseases.

  4. Reduces Pain
    Studies have shown that when your smile releases endorphins, serotonin levels are increased which act as a natural painkiller in our bodies. This brain chemical along with the others that are released make us feel good and reduce physical pain.

  5. Look Younger
    Think of smiling like an exercise for your face! The muscles we use when smiling lift our faces and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

When’s the last time you admired your own smile?

6. Lowers Blood Pressure
Once your heart rate has been naturally increased due to smiling and laughter, the heart rate decreases and your muscles relax. This simple action can help reduce the risk of developing heart disease.

7. Enhances Endurance
If you’re an athlete, smiling can increase your endurance by way of perceived effort which is how hard your body feels when it is working regardless of how hard it actually is. A 2018 study found that runners used less energy during their workouts when deliberately smiling. So next time you go for a run or hit the gym, try smiling during your workout!

Smiling can relieve anxiety and stress.

8. Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Outside of its anti-depressant qualities, smiling releases cortisol (the stress hormone) and can trigger happier thoughts which curb negative emotions and lead to a reduction in our anxiety levels.

9. Better Work Productivity
Did you know that smilers tend to be more productive at their jobs? Because it reduces our overall stress and anxiety levels, even when we fake a smile we’re more likely to boost our moods and work better.

Share your smile!

10. Contribute to the Community
Even if we’re having a bad day, when we smile at others it can improve the mood of them as well as ourselves! When we or someone else sees another person smile, it activates neurons in our brains that fire a synchronizing feature. We’re wired to notice and interpret the facial expressions of others and mimic them back.

The Grin and Bear it Challenge

Are you ready to improve your smile? Try taking the ‘Grin and Bear It Challenge’ with these fun ideas for strengthening your smiling muscles!  

How Many Different Ways Can You Smile?
According to scientists, there are 19 different types of smiles we can produce. See how many you can do!

Goofy smiles are encouraged!

Search Through Your Smiles and Post the Results!
Social media is a great place for smiles. Look through your past photos and while you’re smiling at the memories, choose your favorite grins and memories and create a collage or funny post for all to see.

Smile While You Wait
Standing in a long line at the grocery store? Sitting in the waiting room for an appointment? Stuck in the car at a traffic light? These are golden opportunities to practice your smile!

Flash a smile every now and then, just because!

Get Inspired with Custom Reminders
Whether it’s setting a reminder on your phone, downloading a positive affirmation app, or sticking post-its where you can see them, write yourself a few reminders of memories, inspirational quotes, or other things that make you smile. When you catch yourself looking at them, remember to give a toothy grin!

Find a Good “Joke of the Day”
No matter how silly or cheesy they may be, jokes are a fun and creative way to make ourselves and those around us smile. Try finding a new one each day and telling it to others! Not only will it make you smile, chances are it will brighten someone else’s day too.

The Power of a Smile

It’s no secret that healthy mouths lead to healthy bodies and in the same way, happy people lead happier lives. At Alexandria Smiles, we believe that smiling is so important we proudly put it in our name and strive help give you a smile you’re proud to show the world. If you’re ready to take the next steps towards a happier, healthy smile, contact us and set-up an appointment!  

Kids showing some joy through their beautiful smiles.

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